Wednesday, December 19, 2007

should huck finn be taught at chs?

I think huck finn should be taught at chs. The reason i think this is because it is very controversal and that makes kids want to learn more. Also it's explainng how life was then, and what the views we're. It lets us see how far we have come , and how much change has come. I dont think the book says anything worse than what we already say.Life itself is controversal,don't we learn about that in school? And just in the world in general. This book shows many different points of views of life in the 1800's. So therefore yes, huck finn should be taught at chs, and every other school.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

cat in the hat and the id ego and superego

some may think the cat in the hat is a simple book about a cat who comes to keep a couple kids from boredom, but it is way deeper than that.While reading up on the id,ego and superego i see a very clear comparassion. In the begging of the story the cat is letting his id take over. Even though it is clear that no one wants the cat there he still stays against everyones will. Next the cat shows his ego when he starts to take in cosideration how the others feel and lets up a little. When the cats superego shows he realizes that he came in someones home and messed everthing up, and understood everything they tried to say before. This is how the cat in the hat portrays his id, ego and superego.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Whats more important freedom or security?

I beive that you cannot choose between freedom and security because they are of equal importance.
A part of being free is having the right to be secure. If you are not secure than you dont have the right
to walk down the street freely. Freedom is basically your right to everything. You have the freedom to
be on myspace, and the right to be secure on there. There are many arguements that i could come up
with to support my idea, but they will all remain the same beause in the end, i believe freedom and
scurity are equal.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

a. what is happening in the photo? b.what do you think the people r thinking and feeling? c.what happened after the photograph was taken? d. what were the people feeling and thinking? e. why was the picture taken? f.what title would you give the photograph?
a.they are sitting down eating
b. I think they are thinking i cannot wait to eat and they are feeling hungry.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

my philsopy on government

my philosphy on government is that we the people of the united states need government.
Without government people would think they can do anything that they want and they would have no one to answer to.
a government gives a sense of independence and boundary. It's lets us be free but at the same ime to an extinct remain secure.
i wonder where we would be today without governmen, but i never want to see what it would be like.